An important part of partnership is financial support. Without the gifts of God’s people we would not be able to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
You can give in four ways:
Direct Deposit
By depositing directly into our bank account
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Australian Presbyterian World Mission
BSB: 032 260
Account Number: 151207
Overseas donors will need the SWIFT code WPACAU2S
When you send your donation please put the name of the missionary or item you wish to support in the ‘Description’ box on the bank transfer page.
In addition please send a short email to to let us know that you have transferred the money and we can also email you a receipt. Unless you do this we cannot send you a receipt.
You might like to consider setting up a regular payment from your bank account. Details on how to do this can be found on your bank’s web site.
If we cannot identify you from the information you supply to us with your bank transfer or cheque, then we will record your donation as ‘Anonymous’ and will not issue you with a receipt.
You can use the form below to donate directly through Paypal (with an account or Credit Card). Please select below the name of the missionary or mission project you wish to support, and then on the PayPal site enter the amount you wish to give.
Please note that PayPal charges a fee for donations made through their system, which is 2.6% plus .30c. So that, for example, if you donated $100 for a missionary then they would receive $97.10.
Credit Card/Debit Card
We have the facility to accept donations by Credit Card or Debit Card. Please use one of these forms. If you have any questions then please email
Credit Card Request Form – APWM – 2018-04
Direct Debit Request Form – APWM – 2018-04
By sending a cheque to our National Office
APWM National
1 Clarence Street
Burwood NSW 2134
Please make your cheque payable to ‘APWM’.
If you would like your support to go a specific missionary then please put in a short note with your cheque. If you provide your address we can send you a receipt — either by post or email. Please do not send cash as this is sometimes stolen from the letter in transit.
If you would like to give in a way not mentioned on this page then you could use this form
Want to Serve With Us?
Find Out How to ApplyThe National Office of APWM:
Mail: 1 Clarence Street, Burwood, NSW 2134
Phone: (02) 8073 7490
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30am — 4:30pm
Director: Rev Kevin Murray
1 Clarence Street, Burwood, NSW 2134
Phone: 0421 366 720
Latest News
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