Australian Presbyterian World Mission

East Timor

Paulus BuildingThe Evangelical Presbyterian Church of East Timor has 14 churches and 3 chapels. There are about 3,500 members with 9 pastors — 6 full-time and 3 part-time, plus 6 evangelists. Like the rest of the nation, the members of the Church endured the suffering of the Indonesian Occupation (1975-1999) and the civil disturbances that came with Independence. Donations toward this ministry support the Church as it seeks to meet needs in areas such as scholarships, support for pastors to enable them to minister, repairs to church buildings, support for administration, transport and aid to help struggling families earn an income. The Moderator of the Church says of the Presbyterian Church of Australia “We receive strength through your support in prayers and visiting us. Your visits spur our spirits to develop the work of God in Timor Leste.”

Mount Gambier to Samaria Timor Leste October 2011 06One way of assisting the church is through teaching conferences where men from Australia teach the Bible and Christian doctrine for one week. Our ministry in East Timor is coordinated through Robert Duncanson.

To support the church in Timor Leste financially please go here.