Australian Presbyterian World Mission


In India we partner with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of India. It is a relatively small denomination with 10 congregations and a number of fellowships. The church is involved in education, ministry to people on the margins of society and planting new congregations.

One of the primary ways in which the Presbyterian Church of Australia supports the ministry of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of India is through our support for the Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS) in Dehradun. We assist the seminary through

(a) Training Lecturers

Chanreiso Lungleng (Aso), is currently undertaking PhD studies at PTC Melbourne. It planned that in early 2019, lecturer Vijai Tagore will undertake PhD studies at Christ College in Sydney.

(b) Financial Support

Through the generosity of some members of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and the Victorian Assembly, we have been able to financially assist the seminary.

To support the church in India financially please go here.