Australian Presbyterian World Mission


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The Evangelical Reformed Church was established in 1992 by the Rev Dr Thang Bwee from the Khumi tribe of southern Chin State.

The Evangelical Reformed Church has almost 40 congregations, mostly in Chin State, though some are found in Yangon city and surrounding rural communities. The ERC holds to the Westminster Confession of Faith and is Presbyterian in its government.

As part of our Partnership, individuals and small teams from Australia regularly visit Myanmar, mainly to assist in English and Bible teaching in ERC’s ministry training college, the Reformed Bible Institute. We also assist through:

• sponsoring students at the college;

• humanitarian assistance through our Christmas Catalogue;

• providing tin roofing for church buildings;

• assisting with the overseas training of lecturers;

• providing relief following natural disasters.

Queensland has undertaken special responsibilities for oversight of the ministries of APWM in Myanmar.

To support the church in Myanmar financially please go here.