Australian Presbyterian World Mission

South Sudan

In South Sudan we partner with the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan. In South Sudan we partner with the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan. Since December 2013 the nation has been engulfed in a civil war involving the two major tribes — the Dinkas and the Nuer. This has produced large-scale destruction and loss of life.
Over one million people have been displaced inside South Sudan and more than 400,000 people have fled to neighbouring countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, and Uganda.

Our Partner Church missionary in South Sudan is Motor Isaac Yat. Motor was born in South Sudan and studied theology in Egypt before immigrating to Australia in 1999 and joining the Clayton congregation in Victoria. In 2008 he was commissioned as a Partner Church missionary serving with the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan. Motor is based in Ethiopia where he serves South Sudanese refugees.

To support our ministry in South Sudan financially please go here.