Australian Presbyterian World Mission

Partner with Us

How can you partner with us?

By praying

Prayer is vital. Without it we would have to stop our ministries. Satan would love to see this ministry cease so please adopt and pray for a missionary.

By supporting

Those who serve with APWM often find their ministry very hard. You can help by letting them know that you are interested in their ministry by writing, sending a short email and taking an interest when they are on the field or in Australia on home assignment.

By encouraging your church

In many churches the work of global mission has a low profile. You can help by encouraging your minister, elders and other congregational members to take a greater interest in mission. Ask the Committee of Management to put it into the church budget. Show others by your example that you are interested in global mission.

By giving

Without your support our missionaries would have to return to Australia. Your gifts enable the gospel to go out to the ends of the earth.