How Do I Apply?
1. Talk to the leaders of your local church.
The first thing to do is to talk to your minister and church elders. They will be able to help you determine if you have the gifting and temperament for missionary service. They will interview you and if they think you should proceed they will encourage you to obtain application documents from the National Office
2. Contact the APWM National Office for a set of application documents.
You can download a leaflet about the ministry of APWM here.
Our policies are explained in more detail in the document Partnership in Mission, which can be downloaded from our resources page:
3. Complete the application forms and return them to the APWM National Office.
4. Interviews with APWM Committees.
When we have received your application forms we will ask for references from your nominated referees.
When all of your documents have been received we will arrange for you to be interviewed by the appropriate APWM State Committee. Applicants intending to serve with Partner Agencies will be interviewed by their State Committee. Applicants intending to serve with a Partner Church will be interviewed in the first instance by their State Committee, and after that by the APWM National Committee.
Once the State Australian Presbyterian World Mission Committee and the Partner Agency have accepted you as a missionary you will then be a member of APWM in dual membership with the Partner Agency with which you will be serving. Once your membership of APWM has been approved, Presbyterian congregations will be encouraged to get behind you in raising prayer and financial support to enable you to go to your chosen field.
See below for State Committee contact details.
5. Talk with the Partner Agency.
In parallel with this if you are thinking of serving with a Mission Agency you should contact the Mission Agency that you would like to work with.
The following are the Mission Agencies that APWM currently partners with.
- Asian Outreach International
- Australian Indigenous Ministries
- Church Missionary Society Australia Inc
- European Christian Mission
- Global Recording Network Australia
- Indian Reformed Fellowship Australia
- Interserve
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Operation Mobilisation
- OMF International
- ORBUS (Malawi)
- Pioneers Australia
- Power to Change (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ)
- SIM – Serving in Mission
- WEC International (Australia)
- World Team Australia
- Wycliffe Bible Translators
The Partner Agency will also want to interview you and test your suitability.
6. Consider your options for theological education.
You should give some serious thought to study at a recognized Bible college. This will help to:
- equip you with the necessary Bible training;
- think through some of the issues you will face in your role as a missionary;
- develop godly character as you learn within the framework of the Bible college community.
In most cases it would be expected that you would undertake at least one years Bible college training as a minimum. Once overseas you are likely to find yourself in situations where you will be called upon to teach the Bible — no matter what your area of service might be!
For some recommended colleges please see our Training page.
Want to Serve With Us?
Find Out How to ApplyThe National Office of APWM:
Mail: 1 Clarence Street, Burwood, NSW 2134
Phone: (02) 8073 7490
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30am — 4:30pm
Director: Rev Kevin Murray
1 Clarence Street, Burwood, NSW 2134
Phone: 0421 366 720
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