Australian Presbyterian World Mission

Short Term Service

Short term mission opportunities last from a few weeks to a year or so. They are usually in conjunction with one of our Partner Agencies. Visit the Missions Interlink “Seek” website for information about the opportunities that are available:

Short term mission can take a number of forms such as:

  • Teaching, such as ESL
  • Medical assistance
  • Maintenance work
  • Evangelism mission trips
  • Ministers or other theologically trained persons who make short-term visits overseas to:
    • conduct a teaching ministry;
    • survey possible ministries and / or assess the local situation;
    • undertake temporary ministry between more permanent appointments.
  • The opportunities are endless!

It is normal for all participants in Short-Term mission to be interviewed and recommended by the Session and congregational Missions Committee where one exists.

Applications for Partner Agency Short-Term Mission trips are processed by the relevant Partner Agency.

You can read our list of Partner Agencies here or go to our ‘How Do I Apply? page for a list of links.