Australian Presbyterian World Mission

Our Structure

Traditionally, a denomination such as the Presbyterian Church sends out missionaries under the title ‘Presbyterian Missionary’ to serve overseas. This requires a large support team with a detailed knowledge of each of the countries in which the missionaries serve. We have chosen the path of partnership instead of this traditional model.

Partner Churches

First, we partner with those Presbyterian Churches across the world with whom we have a formal relationship. We call these ‘Partner Churches’. We send people to work under the direction of these Partner Churches and we call these people Partner Church Missionaries.

Partner Agencies

Second, we partner with specialist mission agencies that we call ‘Partner Agencies’. These are often specialists in their areas such as GRNA, InterserveOMF, Pioneers, SIM, Wycliffe Bible Translators, etc. When our members serve with a Partner Agency they have ‘dual membership’ with Mission Partners and the Partner Agency. We call these people Partner Agency Missionaries. You can read our list of Partner Agencies on our ‘How Do I Apply? page.


In addition to the above, some of our members serve as Associate Missionaries. These missionaries serve in Australia or in overseas situations in which no church is directly involved. They are commended to the Presbyterian Church of Australia for prayer, encouragement and voluntary financial support.

Churches and Individuals

We partner with congregations and individuals in Australia who support this ministry through prayer, finance and encouragement.

As part of our responsibility we also work among Australia’s Indigenous people.

We are structured so that we work locally through each congregation and State Australian Presbyterian World Mission Committee.

If you would like to know more about the Presbyterian Church of Australia you can find out more at its web site.