Australian Presbyterian World Mission
Latest News

100 Bibles for 100 Villages

Christians in remote villages in the African country of Malawi have a deep need for Bibles. These are people who have little income and cannot afford a Bible.

Can you please help meet their need?

APWM is seeking to raise funds to buy 100 Bibles for each of 100 remote villages in Malawi. That’s a total of 10,000 Chichewa-language Bibles!

In mid-2025, we’re planning to send a small Australian team to work with our partners from the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, to distribute the Bibles and provide some training in Bible reading.

If you would like to make a donation, you can give:


Go to where you can use one of the options.

The easiest option for many is direct deposit.

Account Name: Australian Presbyterian World Mission

BSB: 032 260

Account Number: 151207

Please write ‘Malawi Bibles’ in the description box. If you’d like a receipt please send an email to letting us know you’ve made the donation.


Send a cheque to:

APWM National

1 Clarence Street

Burwood NSW 2134

Please make your cheque payable to ‘APWM’.

Please note that donations are NOT tax-deductible.

If you have any inquiries about this, please contact Kevin Murray